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Posts by Idaho Freedom Foundation staff

November 21, 2013
Dustin Hurst, IdahoReporter.com, explains what led to the closure the Heinz plant in Pocatello.
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November 20, 2013
Exchange board rejects adding information technologist, policy analyst to staff
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November 19, 2013
Exchange website to be upgraded; no word on Idaho extending deadline for existing insurance plans
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November 18, 2013
Former Rep. Janice McGeachin from Idaho Falls says that the claim of an Idaho state-based exchange for the Obamacare program is false, and that Idaho should not have formed it.
Tags: Audio
November 16, 2013
Idaho exchange board member: Obamacare is ‘a total mess’
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November 15, 2013
Randal O'Toole of Cato discusses placing federal lands into trusts
Tags: Video
November 15, 2013
Senate transportation chairman intrigued by black box technology for infrastructure funding
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November 14, 2013
Heritage Foundation's Aylene Senger explains how Obamacare financially impacts younger adults.
Tags: Audio
November 14, 2013
Professor Scott Yenor, a member of the IFF board of scholars, says that education reform needs to respect the uniqueness of individual students.
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November 14, 2013
Dustin Hurst details the "corporate welfare" costs to Idaho taxpayers of the Frulact Corporation operation.
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November 14, 2013
Citizen watchdog Bob Forrey says that the Idaho Department of Lands is "on its way to becoming the largest commercial real estate owner in Idaho."
Tags: Audio
November 14, 2013
Wayne Hoffman says that young adults, in particular, are being hurt by Obamacare.
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Idaho Freedom Foundation
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