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Posts by Anna Miller

November 22, 2021
Loyalty oaths come to Idaho’s universities with faculty “diversity statements”
September 20, 2021
Renewing civics education in Emmett School District
September 13, 2021
The Higher Education Battle in Idaho: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Smokescreens
September 8, 2021
Boise’s McLean joins Chicago, Portland mayors to endorse critical race theory in schools 
August 13, 2021
This Idaho school district is teaching woke mathematics
July 16, 2021
Social-emotional learning, Part 3: How did this happen in a state like Idaho?
June 30, 2021
Social-emotional learning, Part 2: How SEL became a vehicle for critical race theory
June 28, 2021
Will the Idaho State Board of Education mandate wokeness?
June 28, 2021
Social-emotional learning, Part 1: The new age nanny state
June 25, 2021
Idaho public school teachers defend pushing critical race theory on students
June 15, 2021
Full-day kindergarten will not fix Idaho’s schools
June 10, 2021
Coeur d’Alene parents: Don’t be fooled by public officials framing critical race theory as ‘good’ for your kids
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