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Your Search for "petition" returned 319 results.

Senate Bill 1377 — Petitions, paid signature gatherers (+1)

Bill Description: Senate Bill 1377 would require individuals who are paid to gather signatures for initiatives and referenda to identify themselves as such when gathering signatures.  Rating: +1 Does it in any way restrict public access to information related to government activity or otherwise compromise government transparency, accountability, or election integrity? Conversely, does it increase public […]

Petition Step 2
Senate Bill 1150 — Initiative, petitions, out of state

Bill Description: Senate Bill 1150 would require those gathering signatures for ballot initiatives and referendums to collect those signatures in Idaho. Rating: +1 Amendment Analysis: The amendment to Senate Bill 1150 adds the following language, but it does not change the rating: "The provisions of this section requiring physical presence within the state of Idaho […]

Petition: Tell Idaho lawmakers to end Politician Pension Payoff

Let your voice be heard! Idaho politicians-turned-bureaucrats enrich themselves through a loophole they wrote themselves in the early 1990s. It needs to stop. Now. Will you stand with the Idaho Freedom Foundation as we ask lawmakers to do the right thing and end this lucrative pension scheme? Read our Politician Pension Payoff Actuarial Analysis here. […]

It is no fun and not right for a business to be forced to subsidize the competition

I’m a big fan of small businesses. My parents owned and operated a small business for many years, installing heating, air conditioning and refrigeration systems. The work was menacingly hard. You’d get up early, and go to bed late at night after schlepping around heavy equipment and tools. Then you’d do it all over again. […]

Occupational licensing a noble-sounding scheme that limits competition

The goal of Idaho’s Bureau of Occupational Licenses is “to help safeguard human health and property, and to promote the public welfare.” Who can be against that? It’s actually a lot of smoke and mirrors. One such outcome of such regulations is to limit the number of workers and protect those in the respective industries […]

Candidates overwhelmingly support banning government competition with the private sector

The Idaho Land Board and its duties have raised concerns in recent years over whether the government should be involved with commercial properties, which opponents say puts the public sector in direct competition with private business. The Land Board and the Idaho Department of Lands have said they are only doing what they are charged […]

Health insurance competition bill receives hearing before House committee

Rising costs in the health insurance industry moved to the forefront before one committee in the Idaho Legislature Wednesday with discussion on a proposal to open up the Idaho market to insurance providers from out of state. Rep. Julie Ellsworth, R-Boise, introduced House Bill 587 to the House Business Committee on Wednesday that would allow […]

Feds giving Idaho $14 million to help workers affected by foreign competition

Any Idahoans who are out of work due to international competition could have the federal government pay for their job search, training, and education. The Idaho Department of Labor has received $14 million from the federal government as part of the Trade Act.  Affected Idahoans whose former employer has been certified under the Trade Act […]

Winder's Haiti petition has more than a dozen signatures

Sen. Chuck Winder, R-Boise, said he will mail his petition calling for the release of Idahoans imprisoned in Haiti on Friday, and that more than a dozen senators have signed on in support. A Haitian judge released eight of the 10 Americans imprisoned in Haiti after they attempted to take 33 children across Haiti's border […]

State senators petitioning for release of Idahoans in Haiti

The Idaho Senate is circulating a petition calling for the release of Idaho citizens detained in Haiti. Sen. Chuck Winder, R-Boise, said four other senators have signed his petition that he will mail to President Barack Obama, leaders in Congress, and Haitian President Rene Preval. He expects to ask the rest of the body to […]

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