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Winder's Haiti petition has more than a dozen signatures

Winder's Haiti petition has more than a dozen signatures

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
February 19, 2010

Sen. Chuck Winder, R-Boise, said he will mail his petition calling for the release of Idahoans imprisoned in Haiti on Friday, and that more than a dozen senators have signed on in support. A Haitian judge released eight of the 10 Americans imprisoned in Haiti after they attempted to take 33 children across Haiti's border to the Dominican Republic. Winder said the petition is still necessary because two Idahoans, the group's leader, Laura Silsby, and her former nanny, Charisa Coulter, remain in Haiti. Winder's petition is addressed to leaders in Congress, the presidents of Haiti and the U.S., as well as Secretary of State Hilary Clinton.

Read IdahoReporter.com's first story on Winder's petition.

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