Want to weigh in on a plan that could dictate land-use policies for years to come? You have a few days to do just that.
You'll need this information below, so keep it handy:
The Secretary of the Interior
Order Number 3353
Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation and Cooperation with Western States
Section 2 of Reorganization Plan no. 3 of 1950; 64 Stat. 1262
Then, use this link to submit your comment: http://bit.ly/GRSGplanning
The department must receive all comments by Dec. 1, 2017.
Here's the comment IFF submitted to the federal agency:
Amendments to the Sage Grouse Management Plans should be allowed by DOI. Given our support for federalism, the issues should be decided on a state by state basis. If a state wants the state plan adopted as the amendment that should be the choice of that state. If a state wants to stick with the current plan that should also be the choice of that state.
Please note that comments are more effective when they are not simply repeats of other comments.
Still not certain what you should write? Here are a few talking points that might help:
- The plans govern the use of 67 million acres of federal lands – this has a huge impact on states and the needs of western states must be addressed.
- Priority should be given to the plans state already have in place.
- Priority should be given to preventing the proliferation of invasive grasses and wildland fires.
- Multiple-use should be part of a management plan; which includes “promoting energy independence and economic growth.”
- Sage grouse conservation should take place without inhibiting job creation and economic growth.