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Time to Protect Idaho against Biden’s Border Treason

Time to Protect Idaho against Biden’s Border Treason

Fred Birnbaum
October 2, 2024
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October 2, 2024

The immigration invasion sanctioned by President Biden against the American people is treason. Strong words, to be sure, but every day the evidence accumulates to back up these charges!

The first sentence of Article III, section 3 of the U.S. Constitution reads, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”

On September 25, the Acting Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) signed a letter to U.S. Representative Tony Gonzales of Texas which outlined in detail the crimes (convicted and pending criminal charges) committed by 647,572 illegal aliens. What’s worrying is that hundreds of thousands of these criminals were classified as “non-detained,” meaning not in ICE custody. They could be roaming the streets, some in state prisons or county jails; ICE simply wasn’t holding them in their facilities and can’t account for where they are. Some of them, surely, are in Idaho. Among those convicted of crimes and “non-detained” include the following: 62,231 for assault, 56,533 for dangerous drugs, 13,099 for homicide, 15,811 for sexual assault, 9,461 for other sex offenses, and the list goes on. 

Close to home, a 28-year-old Honduran with a warrant for murder in his home country was found hiding out in Meridian, according to ICE.

What leaves me scratching my head is why ICE can compile such exacting numbers but can’t seem to take meaningful action to reduce these numbers. 

Fellow Idahoans, let’s be clear: No matter who is elected president in November, these criminals won’t self-deport and will resist government action to catch and deport them. Idaho must enact laws that criminalize the mere presence of illegal aliens under state law and deny them any benefits normally conferred to the indigent. Idaho must become the most unappealing state for these criminal aliens. 

In the aforementioned letter, Acting ICE Director Patrick J. Lechleitner noted that ICE was only authorized funding for 41,500 detention beds. The letter is a great example of bureaucratic buck-passing. And then, of course, the mainstream media cleared its throat to inform us that these 647,542 didn’t just appear during the Biden administration, this is the accumulation over many years.

This misses the point, of course. 

From his first day in office back on January 20, 2021, Biden began a series of executive actions to undermine immigration enforcement. He did everything in his power to throw open the gates. Among his day-one actions: halting emergency construction of a border wall; fortifying the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program; unveiling his Citizenship Act of 2021 which would have granted amnesty to millions of illegal aliens; revoking Executive Order 13768 of January 25, 2017, which was designed to enhance immigration enforcement; revoking a number of executive orders and proclamations tied to enhanced vetting; and finally the Biden Administration announced a 100-day moratorium on deportations and immigration enforcement. 

All on day one!

The point of this lengthy review of Biden’s day one actions (there were dozens more to follow in the next several years) is to set the record straight. The immigration invasion was sanctioned by Joe Biden against the interests of the American people. 

Idaho can’t count on the current federal administrative state or Congress to protect people from criminal aliens. The letter from the American Sheriffs Alliance dated September 2024 does an excellent job outlining the totality of misery the border crisis has brought to our country. Unfortunately, one of the closing paragraphs summarizes the situation with a plea for good faith action from this president. It’s a plea that has fallen on deaf ears for 3.5 years, and you can be sure that Joe Biden won’t change course in his remaining months. 

“The current situation on our borders and in our communities is untenable. We believe the safety and security of our nation requires bipartisan collaboration between the Administration and Congress. The President, the Senate and the House of Representatives must work together cooperatively, in good faith, to complete the border wall, end blanket asylum cooperation agreements, cease widespread apprehension and release practices, and expand the number of CBP and DEA personnel assigned to border security and drug interdiction.”

The Biden administration brought a new reality to national governance, that of an administration determined to radically reshape the American nation. Every elected official in Idaho should recognize this and shape policies to protect the state from deliberate federal malfeasance without pretending that this is simply an issue requiring better communication and good faith to solve. 

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3 responses to “Time to Protect Idaho against Biden’s Border Treason”

  1. "Time to Protect"? If I may point out the obvious, it is way past that. Moral standards have declined greatly and true leadership needs to start with that, moral standards with NO GRAY AREAS. Our foundation should be the Word of God, yep I said that out loud. This is good verses evil plain and simple. Lead on God's word and and train up others to lead in that same manner. Choosing good and being morally right is a narrow path and few will walk it. That's why we're in this present mess now and most of you know this. We cannot befriend evil, immoral lifestyles and expect it to work out. Now because of NOT stopping the illegal actions of immoral leadership, we are faced with invasion that will devastate not only Idaho but the decreasing not so united states of America. Wake up Idahoans and get in the fight!

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