Bill Description: Senate Bill 1098 clarifies definitions for the teacher apprenticeship pathway program and defines that teacher apprenticeship programs should lead to both a bachelor's degree and a standard instructional certificate.
Rating: -1
Does it increase barriers to entry into the market? Examples include occupational licensure, the minimum wage, and restrictions on home businesses. Conversely, does it remove barriers to entry into the market?
Senate Bill 1098 would prohibit the state board of education from awarding a teacher certificate to “any person who does not hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited four (4) year institution.” While this requirement makes sense for certain grade levels that require specific subject matter expertise, it is questionable whether elementary school positions for lower grades should require a bachelor's degree to perform their job. It is often claimed that there is a teacher shortage in Idaho. If this is true, then tightening regulations on the certification process will only exacerbate the problem.