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Senate Bill 1057

Senate Bill 1057

Phil Haunschild
February 10, 2017

Bill description: This bill makes multiple changes to employee performance evaluations in the Idaho Code Personnel System.

Rating: +2

Does it in any way restrict public access to information related to government activity or otherwise compromise government transparency or accountability? Conversely, does it increase public access to information related to government activity or increase government transparency or accountability? 

This bill removes the Hay profile method of proprietary evaluation listed in section 67-5309B of the Idaho Code. In addition to using market data to determine job classifications and pay grades, the state would employ “a job evaluation system, in which the factors of know-how, problem solving and accountability are considered to determine the relative value of a job by using a point factor rating.” Eliminating the Hay method would end specified favorable treatment, while insuring similar information can be evaluated. (+1)

This bill also amends Section 67-5309C to include information from an annual Division of Human Resources survey “that uses private and public sector data, specific to the Idaho labor market, that compares salaries and benefits of state employees with non-state employees.” This survey is provided to the Legislature and governor with recommendations for adjustments to salaries and compensation. The current system, however, is heavily weighted toward out-of-state companies and big businesses. This survey could provide a more accurate assessment of state employee pay and benefits relative to Idaho’s private sector. (+1)

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