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Otter among statewide candidates who must report large contributions

Otter among statewide candidates who must report large contributions

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
May 11, 2010

Idaho Gov. Butch Otter’s re-election campaign reported two $2,500 contributions Monday, as required by state election law that requires timely reporting of large gifts in the run-up to election day.  Candidates for statewide office in Idaho must now report all campaign contributions or independent expenditures of more than $1,000 within 48 hours to the Idaho secretary of state.

Otter received $2,500 from political action committees connected to the Idaho Trucking Association and Farmers Insurance.  No other candidates for statewide office or the Legislature have reported large contributions from this week, though the new requirements went into effect on Monday, so any contributions received on Monday wouldn’t need to be reported until Wednesday.

Candidates for state office also need to send the secretary of state records of all their campaign expenses and contributions from January until May 9.  Those records are due May 18, a week before the May 25 primary, though some candidates have already filed their reports.  Attorney General Lawrence Wasden, who is running unopposed for his third term, raised $8,000 and spent $12,000 during that span.  Much of his campaign spending was to state and county Republican Party organizations.  He also made a $1,000 contribution to Otter’s campaign.  Eleven active candidates for legislative seats have also filed campaign reports.

Otter had more than $300,000 in his campaign fund at the end of December.  The challenger with the most campaign money, Democrat Keith Allred, had more than $126,000 at the end of December.

Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
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