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Media lies about Wayne in effort to silence conservatives

Media lies about Wayne in effort to silence conservatives

Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
February 3, 2023

One of the greatest gifts of this country is the ability to own property. No one has the right to question what property you bought or why, and everyone’s decisions are unique to his or her own circumstances. 

In 2021, I sold my home in Boise and bought an RV. This allowed me the freedom to truly get to know Idaho, my home state for 28 years. Instead of spending a day in an Idaho community, I get to spend as much time as I want. This allowed me to see more of our state than I ever have before, and probably more than some Idaho politicians. 

At the same time, I worried about my daughter and granddaughter. They were living close to Portland, with all of its vaccine and mask mandates, lawlessness and rioting, and socialism. I wanted to buy a farm in North Idaho but couldn’t find anything meeting my specifications and price. 

So, I settled for 10 acres in a conservative area in eastern Washington that’s a short drive from North Idaho. My daughter has already purchased chickens and ducks, and she plans to add more farm animals and a garden. 

This is a big deal for people in the leftist news media. A Spokane rag ran a commentary on it, which featured pictures of all angles of my property — the property my family lives on — taken from the real estate listing. This obvious invasion of my family’s privacy was picked up by the Idaho Statesman. So important was this story that it was the featured article on the newspaper’s website, and the home page mentioned it three times. I’m told the article also ran on the newspaper’s front page above the fold.  

The fact is I’m an Idaho resident. I pay Idaho taxes. My son attends an Idaho university. I have an Idaho driver’s license, and I spend most of my time in Idaho. I take my RV to places like Stanley, Orofino, Idaho Falls, Burley, and Grangeville. It’s quite the life, and I love it. 

Yes, I return to the farm I own where my daughter and granddaughter live. Seeing them is also a chance to see our north Idaho donors or attend meetings with other north Idaho patriots. But I won’t apologize for crossing state lines to spend time with them or for helping make a home for my family. 

The media views this “story” as an opportunity to attack the Idaho Freedom Foundation. Why? Because for 15 years, we’ve done an enormous amount to get our state and our country back on the right path by calling out the socialists and social justice warriors in our own state government. I worked in the Idaho media. I know the media are scared of us. I know they hate us. 

I have spent almost 30 years making Idaho my home and trusting in the belief that if Idaho can lead in stopping the advancement of socialism, we have a chance to save our country. I still feel that way. I won’t be dissuaded by leftists who want to make a mountain out of a molehill or so-called “reporters” whose sole purpose is to defeat conservative ideas and give government more control over our lives. I know you won’t be, either. 

This year, we need to raise $1.2 million to achieve our objectives: identifying wokeism in government-run schools, institutions, and programs; stopping corruption and cronyism; and reminding people of the real solutions to our problems — solutions that are baked into our DNA as human beings and in our God-given, constitutionally protected rights.

We need your help. If you are not already a donor, I hope you’ll consider a monthly donation to the Idaho Freedom Foundation. Every gift makes a difference, and if your monthly contributions total $1,000 or more, you’ll become part of our exclusive Falcon Society, which allows you to attend exclusive briefings with policy and newsmakers and receive monthly updates from me. 

Thank you for all the support and friendship you have given to the Idaho Freedom Foundation. Don’t give up, keep the faith, and let’s save America together. 

Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
COPYRIGHT © 2025 Idaho freedom Foundation
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