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Legislature will take another run at Occupy Boise

Legislature will take another run at Occupy Boise

Dustin Hurst
March 20, 2012

Earlier this year, the Idaho Legislature approved a bill to ban camping on the Capitol Mall in hopes of removing the Occupy Boise group that set up shop there last October.

That bill was the subject of a legal case and a judge ruled that Occupy members couldn’t camp on the old Ada County Courthouse lawn, but that they could leave their tents there in symbolic protest. The judge also said the group could staff their encampment around the clock.

A new version of the legislation would give rulemaking authority for the Capitol Mall to the Department of Administration, which could set regulations defining how protests can take place on the land. Teresa Luna told the House Ways and Means Committee Tuesday that Occupy Boise protesters have been driving on the old courthouse lawn, which is the reasoning behind the new legislation.

Luna said the new bill would be mindful of the court’s order regarding Occupy Boise, but that new rules need to be in place.

The legislation will now head to the House State Affairs Committee.

Two weeks ago, two individuals parked their cars on the lawn, but were towed less than two hours after doing so.

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