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LCSC provost named interim president

LCSC provost named interim president

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
May 24, 2010

The Idaho State Board of Education promoted Lewis-Clark State College (LCSC) Vice-President/Provost Tony Fernandez to be the interim president of the Lewiston college as the state board searches for a replacement to outgoing president Dene Thomas.  Thomas will leave LCSC at the end of June to become president at Ft. Lewis College in Colorado.

“He has an impeccable record in his position as VP/Provost and we fully expect that to continue as interim president,” said state board president Richard Westerberg of Preston.  Fernandez will receive a $44,000 salary increase by moving up to interim president, earning $162,000 a year.

The state board has no timetable for when a permanent replacement will be named.  The board’s search for a new LCSC president could cost up to $60,000.  “Searches are expensive, especially when a national search firm is involved,” said board member Don Soltman of Twin Falls. “We will run this search as efficiently as possible.”

Read more on Fernandez at Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna’s blog.

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