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Important: Venue change for IFF's Faces of Freedom Banquet

Important: Venue change for IFF's Faces of Freedom Banquet

Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
August 16, 2017

We live in downright interesting times.

The Leftist campaign to stifle the free exchange of ideas has struck a blow right here in Idaho. At the last minute, the venue where IFF was to host its annual celebration of freedom cancelled our reservation. For a while, we had no place to hold our August 26 banquet with renowned guest speaker Charles Murray.

Even in Idaho, the Left is successfully bullying businesses, badgering, trolling and harassing anyone who dares to contradict their progressive worldview. We are but the latest victim.

Nevertheless, the Faces of Freedom Banquet will go on! We’ve reserved an even better venue. Murray, a leading intellectual scholar of our time, will appear as scheduled and will still share his thoughts on rebuilding liberty in America.

If you plan to attend, please note:

  • The new Faces of Freedom Banquet location is the breathtakingly beautiful Château des Fleurs in Eagle, Idaho. The address is 176 S. Rosebud Lane in Eagle.
  • If you’re a member of our Falcon Society, and have confirmed your attendance, please join us for the exclusive reception that starts promptly at 4:30 p.m.  
  • If you previously purchased a general admission ticket to the event, join us at the Château des Fleurs for the dinner, which starts at 6 p.m. sharp. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

We will defy the thought police at every turn and continue to defend vigorous and healthy debate in the area of ideas. We will not allow fear and intimidation to silence us.

To take a stand against this attack on thought, I invite you to join us August 26 at IFF’s Faces of Freedom Banquet at the Château des Fleurs in Eagle.

To purchase your tickets and show the thought police you won’t let them win, click here.

Alternatively, call IFF Development Specialist Matthew Keenan. His phone number: 208-258-2280, ext. 217.

If you’re unable to attend the banquet, I invite you to support IFF’s mission to defend free speech. Your donation of $100, $1,000 or $10,000  will help us strengthen your right to think and speak as you wish and to support free market policies that improve lives. Click here to support IFF!

Do join us as we celebrate liberty at the Faces of Freedom Banquet!

Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
COPYRIGHT © 2024 Idaho freedom Foundation
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