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Idaho wolf bill could jeopardize state/federal agreement

Idaho wolf bill could jeopardize state/federal agreement

Mitch Coffman
February 23, 2012

U.S. Rep. Mike Simpson, who has fought hard over the years to de-list wolves, says that a bill making its way through the Idaho Legislature right now could be bad for state control of the wolf issue, according to the Idaho Statesman.

On Wednesday, Sen. Jeff Siddoway, R-Terreton, introduced a bill allowing farmers and ranchers to use live bait within 36 hours of their livestock or personal pets being killed by wolves. Within that window of time, night scopes and even air travel would be permitted to track down the wolves and kill them.

Simpson's concerns align with some members of the committee, who felt that this bill could be damaging to maintaining state control over the wolf issue.

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