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Idaho lawmakers to take up transparency issue

Idaho lawmakers to take up transparency issue

Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
March 21, 2009

The House State Affairs Committee will be discussing the Idaho transparency project 9 a.m. Monday, March 23.

Two transparency bills are on the committee's docket. The first is House Bill 177, Rep. Phil Hart's proposal to require the state of Idaho to make a transparency website where state expenditures would be posted. The second is a concurrent resolution which would take a lower-key approach. It would require state agencies to report to the state controller on barriers to full-on transparency.

Hart said he's hoping the resolution will move forward, recognizing that HB 177 faces serious challenges because it would cost the state $250,000 -- and very few items with a pricetag are being contemplated for passage this year.

The meeting is in room 145 of the Legislature's annex building, located directly east of the Statehouse.

Idaho Freedom Foundation
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