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Idaho Department of Education launches blog

Idaho Department of Education launches blog

Dustin Hurst
February 10, 2010
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February 10, 2010

The Idaho Department of Education has launched a new blog to help keep citizens and parents informed on what the department is doing for education in Idaho.  The site, called Education Idaho, can be found at http://educationidaho.blogspot.com.

The blog, which will be initially authored by Melissa McGrath and Camille Wells, will also feature writings from Superintendent Tom Luna.  McGrath serves as the Communications Director for the department, while Wells works as the Program Specialist in the Communications and Government Affairs Division.

Luna says the blog is another manner in which the department can keep parents updated on education in Idaho.  In Luna's own words:

"Since I took office as State Superintendent in 2007, my staff and I have strived to create a more customer-driven education system that meets the needs of the customers of education – parents and students – by first and foremost providing them with the highest level of customer service and technical assistance.  We have already made strides to reach out to more people through an electronic newsletter, an updated web site and social media outlets, such as Facebook and Twitter.  Education Idaho is one more step in that direction."

"From the public schools budget to classroom success stories, Education Idaho will feature a variety of stories and the opportunity for you to ask questions and share your ideas.  We hope you will find Education Idaho helpful and informative."

McGrath's first non-introductory post on the site highlights Wednesday's meeting of the Land Board and its vote to transfer $52.8 million from reserve funding to the public schools budget to make up for a projected $135 million shortfall.

IdahoReporter.com will be covering the meeting and you can follow us on Twitter for updates and reactions from state officials on the vote.

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