Bill Description: House Bill 412 is a trailer bill that would reduce property tax relief by $100 million in FY 2025.
Rating: -1
Does it directly or indirectly create or increase any taxes, fees, or other assessments? Conversely, does it eliminate or reduce any taxes, fees, or other assessments?
House Bill 412 is a 17-page trailer bill to House Bill 40 (+2 Freedom Index) and House Bill 304 (+1 Freedom Index).
The bill makes several technical corrections and clarifications. Most notably, it changes the effective date for House Bill 304, thereby reducing property tax relief for Idahoans by $100 million in fiscal year 2025.
The fiscal note for the bill says, "The State General Fund will not see a reduction of $100 million for property tax relief in H304 in fiscal year 2025."
Enacting the bill would delay the implementation of the $100 million-per-year property tax cut by one year, effectively taking away $100 million in tax relief from Idaho homeowners.