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House Bill 239 — Human sexuality, permission (+2)

House Bill 239 — Human sexuality, permission (+2)

Samuel T. Lair
February 17, 2025

Bill Description: House Bill 239 would require school districts to notify parents prior to any academic instruction that addresses human sexuality, provide parents with the description of the relevant content, and prohibit any child from attending such instruction unless the parent or legal guardian of such child submits a signed and written permission form.

Rating: +2

Analyst Note: House Bill 239 is nearly the same as House Bill 179 introduced earlier this session. The difference is that HB 239 creates a new section under Chapter 16, Title 33 instead of amending Section 33-1611, which covers the policy for excusing children from sex education.

Does it in any way restrict public access to information related to government activity or otherwise compromise government transparency, accountability, or election integrity? Conversely, does it increase public access to information related to government activity or increase government transparency, accountability, or election integrity?

House Bill 239 would improve transparency in our public education system regarding what students are being taught by requiring school districts to notify parents of any upcoming instruction on human sexuality at least two weeks in advance. Moreover, it will require school districts to provide parents “with a brief description of the content of the instruction in human sexuality” and grant them “the opportunity to review any materials that will be used in the instruction.”


Does it promote the breakdown of the traditional family or the deconstruction of societal norms? Examples include promoting or incentivizing degeneracy, violating parental rights, and compromising the innocence of children. Conversely, does it protect or uphold the structure, tenets, and traditional values of Western society?

House Bill 239 would promote traditional Western values by not permitting any student to receive instruction regarding human sexuality unless the parent “submits a signed and written permission form” allowing the student to attend. Ideally, public schools would be prohibited from providing any instruction on human sexuality since such topics are the responsibility of the family. Nevertheless, this bill would at least prevent public school students from being subjected to radical gender theory without their parents’ knowledge or permission.


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