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Accolades come for Hoffman, Fulcher and supporters

Accolades come for Hoffman, Fulcher and supporters

Maureen Hatfield
January 14, 2015
January 14, 2015

Last week, our president and founder, Wayne Hoffman, was named one of the top 100 most influential Idahoans. Randy Stapilus, who put the list together and tracks Idaho government and politics, said the list is based on "overall influence in the state--and freedom of action and ability to influence development of the state--as of the start of 2015."

Former state Sen. Russ Fulcher, a member of the Idaho Freedom Foundation board of directors, landed at No. 39.

Wayne didn't say much about the recognition he gets from being on Stapilus' list, developed with the input of people "in the know." He's pretty humble that way. But he did say is this: "This is as much a reflection on our donors as it is on me. The things we do we couldn't do without them."

Wayne is probably right, although he should give himself some credit, too. Our donors are critical to our free market research, government watchdog activites and journalism.

With your help, we continue the unending struggle against government overreach. Backed by you, we're bringing positive change to all levels of government. Free market reforms and limited government policies, an afterthought in politics for so long, thrive at the forefront of policy debates. Friends, we did that through research, journalism and outreach.

If Wayne wore a hat, he'd tip it to you, our supporters. As our support grows and strengthens, so does Idaho Freedom Foundation's influence. And that's all a testament to you.

Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
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