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Concealed weapons permit costs $115 in Driggs, $62 in Blackfoot, video reveals

Concealed weapons permit costs $115 in Driggs, $62 in Blackfoot, video reveals

Dustin Hurst
July 16, 2015
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July 16, 2015

A concealed weapons permit costs $115 in Driggs and only $62 in Blackfoot, a new video reveals.

Idaho Counties vary wildly in the concealed weapons permit costs. Teton County, home to Driggs, sits atop the state for total cost for a new permit at $115. Bingham County, home to Blackfoot, comes in with the lowest mark at $62.

Costs to renewal vary greatly, too. Blaine County charges a mere $20 to renew the concealed weapons license, while Oneida County comes in with the highest renewal fee at $75.

Take a look at the research video, jointly produced by the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance and the Idaho Freedom Foundation:

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