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VIDEO: KIFI tackles Politician Pension Payoffs tonight

VIDEO: KIFI tackles Politician Pension Payoffs tonight

Dustin Hurst
July 16, 2015

KIFI Local News 8 in Idaho Falls will tackle Politician Pension Payoffs in its July 16, 2015, 10 P.M. newscast.

The station shared a promo clip with the Idaho Freedom Foundation Thursday. That short video features reporter Karole Honas, along with former Rep. Dennis Lake, R-Blackfoot, and Senate Majority Leader Bart Davis, R-Idaho Falls.

Lake is a leading critic of Politician Pension Payoffs, which allows state legislators to balloon their taxpayer-backed pensions as much as 800 percent. Davis has spoken on-the-record on the pension issue.

IFF will post the full video after the station makes it available. You can watch KIFI live tonight by clicking here. 

Here's KIFI's clip:

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