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College insurance mandate is also wrong

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
May 7, 2012
Larry Grant makes a point in his column last week that should not go ignored: Grant, the chairman of the Idaho Democrats, noted that the State Board of Education voted last month to continue enforcing its mandate that full-time Idaho college students purchase insurance. Grant thinks he’s exposed an example of hypocrisy — with state […]

Good teaching, happy lives, and Students Come First.

By Mitch Coffman
April 13, 2012
Like winning was for Vince Lombardi, it turns out that great teaching isn’t the most important thing—it’s the only thing. This was made crystal-clear recently in a Harvard University study quantifying how important good teaching is to society. In Idaho and everywhere else we need to ask ourselves: What are we doing to ensure our […]

School levies: why pay more? *UPDATED*

By Mitch Coffman
March 10, 2012
Why do school districts ask for more money when there's no proof more money means better schools?

Ways the IEA spends a million dollars.

By Mitch Coffman
March 4, 2012
The interests of the Idaho Education Association and the interests of Idaho's students are not the same interests.

Do charter schools "cherry pick" students?

By Mitch Coffman
January 27, 2012
Despite their status as public schools that may not discriminate, Idaho’s public charter schools have been accused of “cherry-picking” children from families with higher incomes who are, presumably, easier to educate.The reality is charter school student family incomes reflect the general population. The chart compares the percentages of students who were eligible for free and […]

Classroom technology does not equal digital learning.

By Mitch Coffman
January 18, 2012
New technology into old models isn't how to "do" digital learning. Using technology well means something different from Idaho schools' present plans.

IFF Analyst Briana LeClaire talks school choice

By Mitch Coffman
January 15, 2012
National School Choice Week is Jan. 22-28. School choice has become an important issue across the country, as citizens realize the best way for a child to receive the education he or she deserves is to have a choice of where to receive that education. Comedian Bill Cosby, a longtime advocate for education, said recently […]

Happy with your public school? Neither are most Idahoans.

By Mitch Coffman
January 7, 2012
92 percent of Idaho's k-12 students attend a regular public school, but only 38 percent of Idaho voters would choose a regular public school first.

Nothing mature about implementing Obamacare

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
January 6, 2012
The word of the day is “maturity.” As in: “Politicians demonstrate maturity when they put aside their fear about Obamacare and implement the law.” Maturity. Gov. Butch Otter told reporters a few days ago that Idaho must move forward with the creation of a state health insurance exchange, as required by Obamacare, lest the federal […]

Bias, the New York Times, K12 - and why Idahoans should care.

By Mitch Coffman
December 16, 2011
The New York Times recently featured a tabloid-worthy, front-page article which was highly-critical of several Eastern schools using the K12 company’s proprietary curriculum. In light of K12's Idaho presence, the serious problems with the Times’ analysis need to be addressed.

Report: Idaho Ripe for Increased Educational Options

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
December 15, 2011
"Given Idaho’s existing tax credit policies, there is no reason Idaho families should be left out of this growing movement”

Idaho education reform 2012

By Mitch Coffman
December 7, 2011
More school choice increases the odds parents can find the right education, right now - which, in the short window of time available to educate a given child, is the only time that really matters.

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