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Breaking: Central District Health to draft mask mandate for Ada County

By Dustin Hurst
July 7, 2020
Central District Health, the government entity overseeing efforts to combat Covid-19 in Ada, Boise, Valley, and Elmore counties, could soon propose an order that requires face masks for all people in Ada County. At an emergency board meeting Tuesday, CDH Director Russ Duke persuaded board members to authorize him and his staff to draft an […]

Video: Central District Health declines to move Ada County back to Stage 2

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
July 7, 2020
Meeting begins at 4 pm. Click here to see and download the agenda.

Central District Health exceeds its authority with quarantine order, threats regarding face masks

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
June 23, 2020
Idaho Freedom Foundation President Wayne Hoffman released the following notice to the public regarding the Central District Health’s edict for bars and nightclubs to close indefinitely beginning 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, as well as the agency director’s threat he might order Ada County residents to wear facemasks:  Once again, the definitions of “quarantine” and “isolation” are […]

Gov. Little is making some of his COVID-19 deregulation permanent

By Lindsay Atkinson
June 22, 2020
Since Idaho had its first confirmed COVID-19 case, Gov. Brad Little has temporarily suspended 150 regulations in order to facilitate a quick response to the pandemic. These temporary deregulations have included removing restrictions on telehealth, removing licensing hoops that those in healthcare occupations usually have to jump through, and loosening requirements for healthcare facilities.  Related: […]

IFF reacts to Central District Health moving Ada County back to Stage 3

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
June 22, 2020
On Monday, Idaho Freedom Foundation President Wayne Hoffman blasted Central District Health’s decision to move Ada County back to stage 3 in the reopening process. Hoffman criticized the move as unwise and harmful to small businesses. Said Hoffman:  “These so-called health experts keep moving the goalposts. At the onset of the Coronavirus, these experts told […]

Idaho university backs Black Lives Matter effort with leftist ‘resources’

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
June 19, 2020
Public money should never be used to support a political agenda. Yet, that’s exactly what’s happening at the University of Idaho, which decided to explicitly provide backing for the most radical elements of the controversial Black Lives Matter program.  A university vice provost emailed students this week to announce the school’s “series of Black Lives […]

BSU prof uses university email to encourage support for group that wants to defund police, end capitalism

By Dustin Hurst
June 15, 2020
A Boise State University assistant professor used her publicly-funded email account and access to students’ contact information to raise funds for a group that seeks to end capitalism and defund police nationwide.  The assistant professor, Les Hutchinson Campos, also offered students tips for protesting without getting caught or injured. She promised additional help to students […]

Little’s property tax relief plan shines as he ponders new handouts

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
June 12, 2020
Gov. Brad Little’s decision to apply $200 million of Idaho’s $1.25 billion federal CARES Act funds to property tax relief is a smart one. After months of deserved criticism, finally, a chance to say something positive about the governor’s handling of Covid-19. Little’s staff estimates the tax relief plan could mean lower property taxes by […]

We know which lawmakers will toss Common Core, write new content standards

By Dustin Hurst
June 12, 2020
Idahoans finally know which state lawmakers will serve on a 10-member joint interim committee tasked with rewriting state’s education content standards, which will likely put Common Core out to pasture for good.  Sen. Steven Thayn, R-Emmett, will co-chair the Legislature’s Study of the Idaho Content Standards interim committee. State Rep. Gary Marshall, a freshman Republican […]

What the state’s property tax relief option could mean for Boiseans

By Lindsay Atkinson
June 12, 2020
This week, Gov. Brad Little gave local governments throughout the state an option to provide property tax relief to their residents. Back in April 2020, the state of Idaho received $1.25 billion from the federal government, under the CARES Act, in coronavirus relief funds. The state has now committed up to $200 million of those […]

Parents: Returning to government schools is not your only option

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
June 1, 2020
One of the most extreme, inhuman and inhumane extrapolations of the new Covid-era rules are the conditions being put up to reopen public schools. Around the world, students are being conditioned, against their human design, to live a post-apocalyptic obedience regimen. In the Netherlands, students sit at their desks separated by clear partitions. In Taiwan, […]

Be skeptical about Idaho contact tracing program bait-and-switch

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
May 22, 2020
Idahoans need to be skeptical about the state government’s plan to use software and hundreds of employees known as “contact tracers” to investigate and keep tabs on you. They'll know where you’ve been, with whom, and whether you’re experiencing any medical symptoms. Gov. Brad Little’s contact tracing strategy is being implemented without legislative oversight. Worse, […]

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