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Ybarra lies about Idaho’s government schools getting better

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
November 2, 2021
Idaho parents deserve to know the truth about the quality of the state's government-run education system, not Sherri Ybarra’s rose-colored version of it.  On Wednesday, Ybarra’s Department of Education put out a misleading news release touting Idaho’s “academic success” as measured by the national publication “Education Week.”  Ybarra went as far as to claim that […]

Trent Clark is a liar and sleazy politician, and his attack on IFF proves it

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
November 1, 2021
For more than 40 years, much of Idaho’s state government has been controlled by liberals posing as conservative Republicans.  The myth that Idaho is a bastion of conservative public policies is easily disproved by the facts. Idaho has among the highest taxes in the region, unions have control of the state's education system, government regulations […]

Is the Idaho Freedom Foundation conservative or libertarian?

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
October 26, 2021
The dirty little secret about political labels is that nearly all of them are creations of the leftist legacy news media. When “news” organizations report that a politician is “conservative,” quite often that label is based on an extremely shallow subset of criteria: Republican party affiliation, pro-life and pro-gun votes, and a stated aversion to […]

National School Boards Association likens parents to domestic terrorists, and DOJ reacts. How should parents respond?

By Kaitlyn Shepherd
October 25, 2021
Across the nation, parents are attending local school board meetings and expressing their frustrations regarding COVID-19 mitigation strategies and critical race theory in public schools. Shockingly, the National School Boards Association (NSBA) insinuated that actions by concerned parents like these “could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.” While NSBA […]

Idaho education officials plot to hide racist ‘social emotional learning’ from parents

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
October 20, 2021
It’s not a tax increase. It’s a “revenue enhancement.” It’s not massive new government spending. It’s an “investment.”  It’s not critical race theory. It’s “culturally responsive teaching.”  This politician is not a liberal. He’s a “common-sense conservative.”  Folks in government have a horrible habit of conjuring up all sorts of euphemisms to describe the things […]

EdChoice public opinion tracker shows Idahoans, parents support school choice

By Kaitlyn Shepherd
October 18, 2021
Debate over COVID-19 mitigation strategies continues to rage as many Idaho schoolchildren returned to the classroom recently. Exacerbation over how public schools have approached the pandemic and implemented distance learning plans has prompted parents to pursue alternative educational options for their children. And now we have the data to back it up. Updated polling data […]

Idaho Business for Education’s scorecard provides cover for Democrats and education establishment

By Fred Birnbaum
October 16, 2021
Idaho Business for Education (IBE) describes itself as follows: “We are the only statewide business organization in Idaho that is focused solely on education. We believe an educated workforce is the key to a successful economy and is vital to setting our children up for success in school, work, and life.” While there are too […]

Idaho Medical Association goes after Idaho doc for advocating alternatives to COVID-19 vaccines

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
October 11, 2021
I’ve never been a huge fan of the Idaho Medical Association, a big government special interest group that has often advocated for the most destructive of policy ideas. They’ve advocated for Medicaid expansion, allowing minors to get vaccines without parental permission, and requiring nearly all vaccines administered to adults and children in Idaho to go […]

School board candidate survey informs parents, voters on critical education issues

By Kaitlyn Shepherd
October 11, 2021
Actions of local school boards are at the forefront of many parents’ minds. Families and voters all over the country have been angered over school boards’ mask mandates, curricular choices, and unnecessary school closures. Ironically, voter turnout for school board elections is low. Parents who want to see change in their child’s school must start […]

Idaho media should be embarrassed over McGeachin lawsuit

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
October 6, 2021
Some people on the interwebs think I should be outraged at Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin because she refused to give out the names of Idahoans who had contacted her office for help fighting critical race theory in Idaho’s government schools. Actually, I’m quite proud of her. She did the right thing.  It’s the Idaho media […]

Breaking: Big City Coffee sues BSU for $10 million

By Dustin Hurst
October 1, 2021

Free-range kids: Let them be kids, before it’s too late

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
October 1, 2021
By Anna K. Miller and Kaitlyn Shepherd  In December 2014, Maryland parents Danielle and Alexander Meitiv received a visit from police and were investigated by Child Protective Services over concerns about parental neglect after allowing their two children, ages 6 and 10, to walk one mile home from a nearby park. Similarly, in August 2018, […]

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