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Food for thought: Biden leverages school lunch programs to further his woke agenda in Idaho

By Niklas Kleinworth
June 2, 2022
The Biden administration's announcement last month that will punish school districts that do not accept and cater to gender fluidity among students should be a wake up call for Idaho parents and elected officials. There are actions lawmakers, the governor, and school boards can take immediately to protect students from the White House’s woke agenda. […]

Conservatives came out on top in May 2022 primary elections

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
May 19, 2022
I gather from the phone calls and emails I’m getting that people don’t realize what a monumentally successful night conservatives had in Idaho’s primary election on Tuesday. This one was one for the record books, and it could help usher in a new chapter in Idaho’s political history.  The Idaho Senate, commonly known for the […]

What Monks left out in his commentary on IFF’s Freedom Index

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
May 10, 2022
Idaho House Assistant Majority Leader Jason Monks wrote a column recently identifying three bills he believes the Idaho Freedom Foundation got wrong in its analysis of the 2022 legislative session. We analyzed close to 300 bills for our Idaho Freedom Index, which measures whether a bill would expand government or not. Monks first pointed to […]

Republican leadership squashes conservative policymaking, continuing a trend of establishment rule

By Niklas Kleinworth
May 4, 2022
The 2022 legislative session saw the most personal bills introduced in nearly 25 years. Among these 62 bills was legislation key to furthering the conservative agenda. Yet none of them ever became law, moved between chambers, or even made it out of committee due to disfavor from the statist Republican leadership.  Thus, we have another […]

Take Back Idaho wants to take us back to a more leftist future

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
April 26, 2022
You may have heard recently that there’s a political action committee that has formed with the express purpose to “Take Back Idaho.” But what exactly are they taking it back from? Allow me to tell you: They want to take Idaho back to a time when freedom wasn’t of importance to state lawmakers. They want […]

States must go beyond affirmative action bans to stop discriminatory diversity, equity, and inclusion on college campuses

By Anna Miller
April 25, 2022
The Supreme Court may ban affirmative action, but even if it does, many race, sex, and ideology-conscious “diversity” policies and programs will still remain on college campuses. Regardless of the Court’s decision, state legislators have an important role to play in striking down discriminatory practices in public higher education. Idaho is emblematic of how a […]

How a leftist Idaho legislator inspired the creation of the Idaho Freedom Index

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
April 19, 2022
Many years ago, one of the Idaho Freedom Foundation’s supporters asked a simple question: How can I tell if my legislator is conservative? The question was in reference to then-state senator Joyce Broadsword, who appeared to have all the markings of a lawmaker who leans left. We had no real way of knowing other than […]

Giddings correct about media bias in planned TV debates

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
April 19, 2022
Republican lieutenant governor candidate Priscilla Giddings is 100% correct to not subject herself to a debate run by Idaho’s leftist news media. Her position is defensibly different from candidates who outright refuse to debate. It's all about the venue and media bias. I’ve never understood why the legacy media are given such an outsized role […]

Gov. Little’s record is more than debatable 

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
April 18, 2022
There’s a certain amount of hubris that Gov. Brad Little’s campaign team had to muster up in order to issue the decree that the governor’s tenure is “non-debatable.” After all, that wasn’t some off-the-cuff remark that was released last week when Little bowed out of any debate with his primary opponents. It came in a […]

Agenbroad can't defend his pro-Big Govt record, so he attacks IFF instead

By Fred Birnbaum
April 18, 2022
State Sen. Jeff Agenbroad’s recent attack in the Idaho Press Tribune on the Idaho Freedom Foundation’s policy and appropriation bill reviews doesn’t reflect any change in our scores or tactics, but rather his problematic voting record.  And he doesn’t like our drawing attention to his voting record that demonstrates he is a big spender who […]

Setting the record straight on the Idaho Freedom Index

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
April 15, 2022
Chances are if you watch KTVB, you’ve heard of the Idaho Freedom Index. Our thorough legislative scorecard has become a hot topic for friends and foes alike. However, some members of the media have misrepresented the Index and its purpose. To clarify the record, here’s what the Freedom Index is and what it is not. […]

Veteran lobbyist Trent Clark uses distortions to defend loss of freedom

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
April 13, 2022
The Idaho Freedom Foundation reviews close to 300 bills per legislative session, more legislation than any organization in the country. Not only do we look at legislation from a conservative perspective, but we also publicly post our written analyses of bills before they’re voted on. Those analyses remain on our website long after the votes […]

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