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Announcing Capitol Clarity with Dr. Ryan Cole

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
March 15, 2024
For immediate release - March 15, 2024Boise, Idaho They hated him for telling the truth. Idaho’s own Dr. Ryan Cole is a board certified clinical pathologist and the founder of a world-renowned diagnostics lab in Boise. Dr. Cole has spent the past four years speaking truth to the powers that locked free citizens in their […]

Announcing Capitol Clarity Week 10

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
March 12, 2024
There is no greater freedom than that of your own health and bodily autonomy. Yet that fundamental freedom has been under increasing attack in recent years. From mask and vaccine mandates to invasive schemes for surveillance and controls, governments at all levels are trying to micromanage your lives. This week we welcome Leslie Manookian of […]

Actions, Words, and the “True Conservative”

By Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D.
March 12, 2024
Occasionally a bill or two comes before the Idaho Legislature truly showing the principles of the legislators voting for it versus those voting against it.  Look at two bills this session: House bill 468 (Rangeland Improvement Act) and House bill 595 (Outcomes-Based Education). House Bill 468 would establish a "rangeland improvement account" in the state […]

Announcing Capitol Clarity: Week 8

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
February 27, 2024
For immediate release - February 27, 2024Boise, Idaho Idaho Freedom Foundation, the Gem State’s most influential conservative policy center and think tank, announces the next Capitol Clarity program lineup for Thursday, February 29, 2024, at noon in the Lincoln Auditorium. This week, we are proud to present a free speech extravaganza, where we delve into […]

Illegal immigrant invasion is an existential threat to Idaho, America

By Fred Birnbaum
February 26, 2024
America is being invaded. Day after day, thousands of illegal immigrants stream across our Southern border. It is easy to understand the frustration of the American people as President Joe Biden calls the border secure while defending the invasion.  These are lies so immense as to call into question the legitimacy of the Biden Administration […]

Where is the Education Choice Legislation? 

By Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D.
February 22, 2024
You’re the customer and this is your experience: poor results, higher costs, hidden agendas, and the product is nothing close to what you wanted.   What do you do?  Go somewhere else, right?   Wrong again, because we aren’t talking about burgers or blenders, we are talking about public education.    Too often we’re told how education is […]

Idaho could abolish discriminatory DEI programs at public universities this year

By Anna Miller
February 22, 2024
Idaho Senator Brian Lenney (R-Nampa) recently introduced a bill to abolish discriminatory diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs in institutions of higher education. DEI offices stifle intellectual freedom, prevent equal treatment and opportunity, and create a hostile environment for anyone who dissents from the reigning orthodoxy on campus.  Idaho colleges and universities enforce the DEI […]

Announcing Capitol Clarity Week 7

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
February 20, 2024
For immediate release - February 20, 2024Boise, Idaho Idaho Freedom Foundation, the Gem State’s most influential conservative policy center and think tank, announces the next Capitol Clarity program lineup for Thursday, February 22, 2024, at noon in the Lincoln Auditorium.  Greg Pruett is the founder and president of the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance, an organization […]

Budget Reform Wins and the Main Street Caucus Gets a Beatdown

By Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D.
February 9, 2024
This was a very big week in the Idaho Capitol for the average Idahoan struggling with inflation, taxes, and overbearing government. Key votes in the Idaho House and Senate will lead to leaner budgets, less waste, fraud, and abuse, and neutering the so-called Main Street Caucus, which colluded with Democrats and fought these good outcomes […]

Idaho's bloated DEI bureaucracies at public universities are growing

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
February 6, 2024
By Anna Miller and Scott Yenor  A recent Idaho Freedom Foundation report revealed that Idaho's public university system is spending nearly $6 million on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) administrators. A previous estimate in February 2022, found that spending on DEI administrators across Idaho’s higher education system was around $2.2 million. In two years, the cost […]

Don’t be fooled by budget tricks — the fight is about spending

By Fred Birnbaum
February 4, 2024
Kabuki Theater is an art form featuring distractions and illusions. In political terms, Kabuki describes acts of insincerity to please supporters, attract attention, and distract viewers from what is really going on. That’s what happened last Friday in the Joint Finance Appropriations Committee (JFAC). A combination of 12 liberal Republicans and Democrats partnered to undermine […]

Leftist Republicans and Dems Stage Idaho Spending Circus!

By Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D.
February 3, 2024
The Idaho budget committee erupted into a full-blown circus yesterday. The center ring featured nine leftist republicans colluding with democrats to explode spending in Idaho government. But, just who is the ringleader of this nefarious act? All indicators point to Sen. Chuck Winder orchestrating this show, which is actually far less fun than a real […]

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