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Is the Governor’s Office Funneling Taxpayer Dollars into an Anti-School Choice Nonprofit?

Is the Governor’s Office Funneling Taxpayer Dollars into an Anti-School Choice Nonprofit?

Rachel Hazelip, M.A.P.P.
January 31, 2025

Conservatives who watched Governor Brad Little’s 2025 State of the State address on January 6 were underwhelmed by his “promises made, promises kept,” to say the least — particularly regarding school choice. A large section of his speech focused on education in Idaho, but he explained that his priority, “first and foremost [is] our public schools.” 

He did, however, throw pro-school choicers a bone by acknowledging the “growing desire” in the state for school choice and recommended “$50 million to further expand education options for Idaho families.” That’s something, right?

Well, before you get excited…

Though the governor speaks supportively of school choice this year, his actions do not follow suit. He appears to have been directing large sums of money to one of the most notorious anti-school choice lobbies in the state, Idaho Business for Education (IBE), through an organization in his office called STEM Action Center. 

To be clear, the money being expended is taxpayer money.   

What is STEM Action Center, and Who is IBE?

In 2015, the Legislature approved the creation of an organization under the Office of the Governor called the STEM Action Center, whose mission is to provide “equitable access” to STEM education “for all Idaho’s students, educators, and communities.” It aims to “produce a competitive STEM-ready workforce” through educational and policy initiatives. STEM Action Center’s top vendor, to whom they devote the largest percentage of money, is IBE. Specifically, the STEM Action Center spent 45.2% of its total vendor expenditures on IBE in fiscal year 2024.

If you are not familiar with IBE, it is a coalition of business leaders across Idaho who invest in public education and one of the largest lobbies against school choice in the state. IBE aims to transform education in Idaho to create a future workforce through a “Two-House Strategy — The Statehouse and the Schoolhouse.”

What Exactly is Taking Place, and Why is it a Big Deal?

STEM Action Center’s transaction history revealed a large number of expenditures labeled “Miscellaneous Expenses” paid for with both STEM Education and general funds. Between fiscal years 2024 and 2025 thus far, the STEM Action Center has made three large payments to IBE totaling $1,556,500 from state general funds (i.e., your Idaho tax dollars). They received $1,065,000 in 2024 alone. The reason for these transactions appears to be related to a program now hosted by IBE in partnership with the STEM Action Center called the Idaho STEM Ecosystem.

Does this all seem like an elaborate shell game? It does to us, too.     

The STEM Action Center budget has been steadily growing in the past several years. In the 2024 legislative session, HB 714 increased the total budget to just over $6.2 million for fiscal year 2025. The agency’s most recent budget request shows its 2024 expenditures at $6,117,500, with $3,187,600 of that coming from the general fund. That means the STEM Action Center expended one-third of its appropriated general funds to IBE. That is a significant amount of taxpayer funds being disbursed to a nonprofit that has a history of and is actively fighting a policy that a large majority of Idahoans desire. 

We have one governmental organization and one private entity receiving state funds, each working to create a STEM-readied workforce. This alone is problematic as it is an overreach of governmental power. The government and taxpayer dollars should not be expended to craft a workforce. That is the job of the free market. 

The intended use of taxpayer funds — or public funds —  is to serve the public, not push the governor’s personal policy agendas. What makes this even more problematic and insulting to Idahoans is that for the first time during his tenure, Governor Little has been using pro-school choice rhetoric.  This made many Idahoans hopeful that this will be the year we join other conservative states in offering school choice. 

The Governor Says He Desires Transparency and Accountability, Let’s Have a ‘Little’    

In his 2025 address to the Legislature, Governor Little talked about the need to be transparent and accountable, among other things. Well, let’s have a little transparency and accountability. There are a few issues that need to be addressed.  

Firstly, transparency. It is problematic that such significant expenditures of public funds to a 501(c)3 nonprofit are happening in the governor's office. Why are taxpayer dollars being diverted to a nonprofit organization, particularly one that is anti-school choice? As serving the public is the intention of public funds, what public purpose does funneling money into an anti-school choice nonprofit serve?

Secondly, accountability. The governor is claiming to support school choice while simultaneously funding one of the largest anti-school choice lobbies in the state. Idahoans deserve to know why his words convey one thing and his actions another. 

Finally, honesty. If Governor Little wants to stick to his "promises made, promises kept" campaign, he should immediately cease sending funds to this anti-school choice organization and begin funding organizations that will help make school choice a reality in Idaho. Given his track record fulfilling other promises, however, perhaps we should not be too hopeful. Regardless, we feel the people will make their voices heard regarding school choice this year.

We have contacted Governor Little’s office and the STEM Action Center regarding this matter but have not received a comment from either.

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6 responses to “Is the Governor’s Office Funneling Taxpayer Dollars into an Anti-School Choice Nonprofit?”

  1. This governor has increased his transparency to the public eye in that his actions speak so loud, we cannot hear a word he's saying. This is clearly a RINO Democrat showing his true colors. By betraying the public trust through his lack of action regarding campaign promises (i.e. repealing the sales tax on groceries) he can now add this abuse of taxpayer funding that cannot be as easily hidden from the public eye. I have lost nearly every shred of respect I might have had at one time for him due to this behavior. I cannot support voting for him...indeed, I didn't in the last election. Unfortunately, he is deeply imbedded in the apparently apathetic voters' minds to the point that they no longer research candidate's voting records, etc. and simply pull the lever next to the one(s) with an "R" next to their name. Wake up, Idaho...and VOTE HIM OUT!

  2. Thank you, Rachel Hazelip, for exposing this egregious use of taxpayer funds and questionable “Promises Made…” rhetoric from Gov. Little.

    Taxpayer money should NOT be used to fund non-profits, regardless of their views or activities.

    Non-profits get tax exemptions, yet our taxes are used to support them. Where’s the logic? This is wrong and it must stop.

    Let donors who wish to support specific agendas and nonprofits pay — leave the rest of the taxpayers alone! Frankly, I’m tired of funding nonprofits whose agendas are so far from my own. However, I feel exactly the same about funding nonprofits whose agendas closely reflect my views. JUST STOP IT, Y’ALL!

    President Trump’s administration is starting to realize the folly of taxpayer funding for nonprofits. Shouldn’t Idaho as well?

  3. Hey Brad, get on out that chainsaw from your campaign and cut out the nonsense. Idaho and the American people are done with dishonest politicians that use taxpayer money to fund programs that do not serve their interests.

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