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Answers to frequently asked questions about sex ed in Idaho

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
October 5, 2022
By Anna Miller and Dr. Scott Yenor Idaho’s government promotes radical gender theories in schools and builds partnerships with interest groups pushing the sexualization of children, like Planned Parenthood.  How is this happening? Follow the money and the curriculum from the federal government through Idaho’s Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW) to Idaho’s health districts. […]

Boise School District asked kids about preferred pronouns in back-to-school surveys

By Kaitlyn Shepherd
October 3, 2022
The Boise School District gave students the option to report their preferred pronouns in multiple back-to-school surveys. Between Aug. 1 and Aug. 19, multiple instructors administered back-to-school surveys as a way to become better acquainted with their students. In approximately 32 separate surveys, teachers included a question asking students about their pronouns or preferred pronouns. […]

Speaking truth to power or speaking what the powerful want to hear?

By Bryan Hyde
September 28, 2022
Most of us are familiar with the phrase “speaking truth to power.”  It refers to those individuals who feel a sense of duty to stand up when they see official wrongdoing and to speak the unpopular truth to those in power. It can be a heroic thing to do, but that doesn’t mean it’s an […]

Redesigned Center for American Education website empowers parents with new tools, resources

By Kaitlyn Shepherd
September 28, 2022
Idaho parents and residents now have more resources at their disposal to help them better understand the state’s education system, the benefits of school choice, and the educational resources available to them and their children. The pandemic opened many parents’ eyes not only to problems with their local schools but also to the necessity of […]

Idaho’s government removes porn literacy from its website

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
September 16, 2022
By Anna Miller and Dr. Scott Yenor Idaho North Central Health District has covertly removed controversial sex education resources from its website in the face of public outcry. Gone are resources on its website relating to porn literacy, abortion, gender transition, and teaching kids to hide their browsing history from their parents. The district has […]

Two important lessons taken from the Boise Pride fiasco

By Bryan Hyde
September 16, 2022
Two clear lessons stand out from the intense public pushback that Boise Pride Festival organizers have recently experienced for their attempted drag show for kids as young as 11. The first lesson is that even businesses and individuals who are solidly in support of the LGBTQ+ community will draw the line when minor or underage […]

Theft by ballot is still theft

By Ronald M. Nate, Ph.D.
September 16, 2022
A man is walking down the street when a thug confronts him with a gun and says, “Gimme your wallet!”  Such theft is a crime. Nobody deserves to fear for their life and property this way.  But what if the man is confronted by a posse of five gun-wielding thugs?  Clearly, that’s no better and […]

Public outrage sparked by Idaho’s government offering “porn literacy” to students

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
September 14, 2022
By Anna Miller & Dr. Scott Yenor  The public is outraged after learning that the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW) implements Planned Parenthood-endorsed sex education in schools and purchases materials and training from an interest group promoting porn literacy.  The IDHW’s sex education program is funded by federal grants. The IDHW then uses these […]

Idaho’s government offers “Porn Literacy,” other corrupting practices to K-12 students

By Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
September 13, 2022
By Anna Miller & Dr. Scott Yenor Idaho’s Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW) implements sex education curriculum endorsed by Planned Parenthood in schools. The curriculum and training for sex education facilitators is purchased from an interest group that promotes queering education and normalizing the consumption of pornography.  Idaho law requires sex education taught in […]

Oppose the progressive agenda? You're now an enemy of the state

By Bryan Hyde
September 10, 2022
Media outlets in Idaho and across the country have been drumming up fears of an “extremist” takeover for some time now. However, the president’s ghoulish “soul of the nation” speech aimed at Republicans was a clear escalation of warlike rhetoric from the left. It was also a masterpiece of psychological projection in which every accusation […]

How two lame duck lawmakers blocked a massive property tax relief plan during the special session

By Fred Birnbaum
September 7, 2022
The special legislative session came and went in a single day with seemingly one option, House Bill 1. State lawmakers passed the measure, which provided a small $161 million tax cut, a larger $500 million tax rebate, and an unnecessary addition of $410 million for education funding.  We deem the tax cut as small because […]

Idaho tax dollars fund Boise’s drag show for kids

By Brian Almon
September 7, 2022
As a celebration of the new official religion of our country, this upcoming weekend’s 2022 Boise Pride Festival has attracted many corporate and government sponsors who want to signal their fealty to the LGBTQ+ community.  Local grocery chain Albertson’s serves as the premier sponsor this year, dusting off its June Pride Month logo once again. […]

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