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The Biden debt deal is bad for America and bad for Idaho

By Fred Birnbaum
June 5, 2023
The federal budget and debt ceiling standoff was resolved last week, but any long-term resolution was superficial. Despite Speaker McCarthy’s ebullience, nobody who understands the federal budget should see this as a victory for anything other than the status quo. And that means more federal debt. A simple review of the numbers tells us why. […]

Kellogg schools obviously mistreating Travis Lohr for being unwoke 

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
June 4, 2023
Kellogg, Idaho's government schools were bad academically before their mistreatment of student Travis Lohr and bus driver Dakota Mailloux, and the district is now giving up the evidence that there’s a lot more going on here. Let’s start with the fact that Kellogg School District is an academic disaster. In the district, half to two-thirds […]

Kellogg student banned from graduation for saying “Guys are guys and girls are girls”

By Brian Almon
June 2, 2023
On Thursday, Kellogg High School senior Travis Lohr took part in an activity where seniors share advice for lowerclassmen. In a departure from his preapproved remarks, Lohr spoke from his heart, saying, “Guys are guys and girls are girls. There is no in-between.” Despite the fact that this simple statement has been a truism for […]

Pride in America: Davy Crockett

By Brian Almon
June 2, 2023
Welcome to Pride in America Month. Every day in the month of June and through Independence Day, we will be highlighting a figure who has demonstrated and defended American values. Consider it a healthy alternative to the Left's June celebration that has taken over the media and corporate America. Any child growing up in the […]

Pride in America: Thomas Sowell

By Brian Almon
June 1, 2023
Welcome to Pride in America Month, a celebration of the men and women who made our country great. Every day in the month of June and through Independence Day, we will be highlighting a figure who has demonstrated and defended American values. Consider it a healthy alternative to the Left's June celebration that has taken […]

Gingrich’s defense of the debt deal is further evidence of what’s wrong in Washington, D.C. 

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
May 30, 2023
Not surprisingly, former U.S. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is out with a commentary today praising the McCarthy-Biden debt ceiling deal and urging congressional Republicans to back it. It seems to me that if you’ve been in Washington, D.C. — or even in Boise, Idaho — for too long you start to think in […]

A victory for property rights 15 years in the making

By Brian Almon
May 25, 2023
This morning, the US Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) overstepped its bounds when it tried to assert authority over the Priest Lake property of Michael and Chantell Sackett. The Clean Water Act (CWA) was initially passed in 1972 over President Nixon’s veto. This act gave tremendous regulatory power to a […]

Mental health association, media push to make sexual fetishes public and mainstream

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
May 24, 2023
Before we get into “Pride Month,” — and in light of Target, Budweiser, North Face and other businesses’ foray into the LGBT-agenda promotion — it’s important to understand that some fraction of what you see identified as “transgender” is really a public display of sexual fetishes condoned and promoted by the psychiatric community, leftists, and […]

Government spending far outstrips tax cuts

By Fred Birnbaum
May 23, 2023
Editor's note: After this article went to the press, the Legislative Service Office posted the 2023 Legislative Fiscal Report. The article has been updated to include new information.  Governor Little frequently touts his tax cuts in public statements and press releases. To be sure, he has cut taxes while growing state spending significantly. If that […]

Six states pass universal school choice leaving Idaho in the dust

By Anna Miller
May 22, 2023
As education reform continues to gain momentum across the nation, Idaho remains one of the few red states lagging behind on school choice. While six states have already passed universal school choice programs, Idaho lawmakers have yet to take meaningful action to expand educational opportunities for families. During the 2023 legislative session, Idaho had a […]

U.S. debt ceiling talks avoid the harsh reality: Federal entitlement programs must end

By Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President
May 20, 2023
U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has said that including additional work requirements for able-bodied people with no dependents is a "red line" in negotiations with the White House to raise the debt ceiling. It’s breathtakingly incompetent that this is the centerpiece of congressional Republicans' action plan. What the congressional leaders and your state elected officials […]

University moved ahead with potentially unconstitutional $550 million school purchase days before the State Board of Education authorized it

By Branden Durst
May 19, 2023
Three days before the State Board of Education voted on whether the University of Idaho should move ahead with a plan to form a nonprofit to acquire the University of Phoenix for $550 million, the school officially filed paperwork with the Secretary of State’s office to do just that. The paperwork created NewU, Inc., a […]

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