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Bradbury concedes in Supreme Court race, but doesn't call Burdick

Bradbury concedes in Supreme Court race, but doesn't call Burdick

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
May 26, 2010

Idaho Supreme Court Justice Roger Burdick will serve another six-year term on the state’s highest court.

“There’s no question that Burdick has won,” said District Judge John Bradbury, his opponent. However, Bradbury said he didn’t personally call Burdick to concede the race because he wasn’t happy with Burdick’s campaign.  “I would rather have lost than won the way that he won,” he told IdahoReporter.com.  Bradbury said he was upset with personal attacks and unreported advertising by a political action committee that violated state election law.  “I’m a gracious loser if the fight is fair.”

Burdick didn’t know about the group’s campaign advertising, according to The Spokesman-Review.

Bradbury said he now plans to retire.  His district judge position was up for election Tuesday.  “I did what I set out to do in the three counties where I sit,” he said.

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