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Bonding legislation being pushed to fund bridge repair

Bonding legislation being pushed to fund bridge repair

Mitch Coffman
February 24, 2012

Sen. Chuck Winder, R-Boise, is advocating a bill that would allow the state to bond the remaining $140 million from the "Connecting Idaho" project, according to the Idaho Statesman. At the current time, Idaho has bonded around $855 million of the original $1 billion that was approved.

Winder said the current money focuses on only seven projects, but he would like the Idaho Department of Transportation (ITD) to be able to have the freedom to look at the bridge needs and address them where needed. Bridge maintenance has become a big issue in Idaho, with ITD giving a presentation early in the session that stressed the need for the state to address the issue.

Senate transportation chairman, Sen. Jim Hammond, R-Coeur d'Alene, has also brought up the idea of using the general fund to help pay for roads and bridges in the Gem State.

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