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Posts by Wayne Hoffman, IFF’s former President

April 20, 2021
Idaho House lives up to conservative promises, faces left-leaning Senate
Tags: Liberty
April 18, 2021
Senate Bill 1204 — ARPA funds, state funds
April 16, 2021
Vote against public schools budget shows the leadership America needs
April 12, 2021
Rather than abandon indoctrination agenda, University of Idaho president plays the blame game
April 9, 2021
Lawmakers seem ready to end radical indoctrination programs in higher education
April 2, 2021
Idaho can stand up for America with vote on higher ed budget
March 26, 2021
Big City Coffee’s tort claim against BSU shows lawmakers aren’t doing enough
March 19, 2021
Idaho senators side with education special interests against parents and students
March 15, 2021
House Bill 309 — Property tax deferral program
March 12, 2021
Acceptance of federal money could derail Idaho’s tax relief plans
Tags: Budget & Tax
March 10, 2021
House Joint Resolution 4 - Controlled substances
March 5, 2021
College budget plan is political theater that would allow campus leftism to continue
1 11 12 13 14 15 87
Idaho Freedom Foundation
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