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Posts by Niklas Kleinworth

March 1, 2022
House Bill 687 - Commission on Aging, Appropriations FY23
February 28, 2022
Senate Bill 1339 – To designate custodians for the management of public records requests
February 25, 2022
House Bill 639 – Qualifying parents and legal guardians to provide class D driver’s education
February 23, 2022
House Bill 629 – Establishing the Office of Administrative Hearings
February 23, 2022
House Bill 636 – Guaranteeing accessory dwelling units
February 23, 2022
Senate Bill 1330 – Naturopathic medical licensure and registration
February 17, 2022
House Bill 546 – Establishing the Idaho Energy Conservation Code
February 17, 2022
Senate Bill 1286 – Regulations for psychological service extenders
February 16, 2022
House Bill 589 – Granting rule of 80 PERSI eligibility for juvenile corrections staff
February 16, 2022
Senate Bill 1283 – Ongoing supplemental Medicaid reimbursement for ambulance services
February 15, 2022
House Bill 593 – Worker’s compensation for injuries related to mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations
February 15, 2022
House Bill 549 – Elector identification, residency, and citizenship verification
Idaho Freedom Foundation
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