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Posts by Niklas Kleinworth

March 27, 2023
Senate Bill 1212– Launch Grant Program, Trailer Appropriations FY24
March 24, 2023
Senate Bill 1207 – Public Schools – Children’s Programs Division, Appropriations FY24
March 24, 2023
Senate Bill 1205 – Public Schools – Teachers Division, Appropriations FY24
March 24, 2023
Senate Bill 1203 – Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Supplementals FY23
March 24, 2023
Senate Bill 1210 – Public Schools – Educational Services for the Deaf and Blind, Appropriations FY24
March 24, 2023
Senate Bill 1211 – End of Year Cash Transfers FY23
March 24, 2023
Senate Bill 1209 – Public Schools – Central Services Division, Appropriations FY24
March 24, 2023
Senate Bill 1208 – Public Schools – Facilities Division, Appropriations FY24
March 24, 2023
Senate Bill 1206 – Public Schools – Operations Division, Appropriations FY24
March 24, 2023
Senate Bill 1204 – Public Schools – Administration Division, Appropriations FY24
March 24, 2023
Senate Bill 1202 – Education – Office of the State Board of Education, Appropriations FY24 and Supplementals FY23
March 24, 2023
Senate Bill 1201 – Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses, Appropriations FY24
1 11 12 13 14 15 28
Idaho Freedom Foundation
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