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Posts by Mitch Coffman

May 14, 2013
Stacey Knudsen, of IdahoansforLocalEducation.Com, discusses "Common Core" Academic Standards, On The Austin Hill Show
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May 14, 2013
Chad Inman on IRS scandal: 'They should not be parsing out who they target in their investigations'
Tags: Video
May 14, 2013
Steve Strickland on the IRS scandal: 'We no longer have the free freedoms we use to have'
Tags: Video
May 14, 2013
Steve Strickland of Treasure Valley Tea Party discusses IRS scandal on The Austin Hill Show
Tags: Audio
May 13, 2013
Chad Inman of the Gem State Tea Party speaks with IdahoReporter.com about IRS scandal
Tags: Video
May 13, 2013
Chad Inman of Tea Party Boise discusses IRS scandal, on The Austin Hill Show
Tags: Audio
May 10, 2013
Treasurer Jeff Agenbroad of the Idaho Health Insurance Exchange Board talks finances.
Tags: Video
May 9, 2013
Jeff Sayer, Director of Commerce, explains on The Austin Hill Show how Idaho is seeking to attract gun manufacturers to the state
Tags: Audio
May 9, 2013
Jamie Gass, of the Pioneer Institute in Boston, MA, discusses 'Common Core Academic Standards' in Idaho schools on The Austin Hill Show
Tags: Audio
May 8, 2013
Northwest Grocery Association Idaho Representative Roy Eiguren: 'The State has unilaterally made a decision to put out the net benefits on a single day, it just doesn't work'
Tags: Video
May 8, 2013
2013 Freedom Index Report
May 7, 2013
Superintendent of public instruction Tom Luna talks Common Core on the Austin Hill Show
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