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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Dustin Hurst
December 24, 2014
Author Image
December 24, 2014

The UPS delivery guy just dropped off my online Christmas shopping here at the Idaho Freedom Foundation office in Boise. One of the boxes contained a copy of Shel Silverstein's "The Giving Tree," a gift I purchased for my 5-month-old daughter, Hollie.

If you're familiar with the tale, you know Silverstein chronicles a tree who is willing to give all it has—its branches, shade and stump—so a little boy can enjoy a peaceful and comfortable life.

So I hope it is with us. As the year draws to a close, we must ask ourselves if we are doing all we can so our children and grandchildren inherit an Idaho offering opportunities and prosperity. Are we giving our all so our children may realize the dreams of liberty and freedom?

We thank you for your support this year. With your help, we know we've done our best to limit government, promote freedom and improve the lives of every Idahoan in 2014.

We hope you enjoy a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year surrounded by loved ones.

Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
COPYRIGHT © 2024 Idaho freedom Foundation
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