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Ysursa disclosure demand will be heard in court Friday

Ysursa disclosure demand will be heard in court Friday

Mitch Coffman
October 25, 2012

The issue of donor disclosure for a group working on behalf of education reforms approved by the Legislature in 2011 will be heard Friday afternoon in a Boise courtroom, according to an Associated Press story in the Idaho Falls Post Register.

Secretary of State Ben Ysursa says the group, Education Voters of Idaho, is a lobbying organization and must release its donor list prior to the November general election. He sued in district court to force the disclosure. The group maintains it is a federally tax exempt organization not required to make its donor list public.

Ysura has also asked that a group opposed to the education reforms, the Idaho Education Association(IEA), release its donor list as well, though he has not taken that group to court. The IEA in response said it is not a political group and that its contributions come primairily from union dues.



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