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Ysursa asking for donor disclosure from EVI, IEA, NEA

Ysursa asking for donor disclosure from EVI, IEA, NEA

Mitch Coffman
October 23, 2012

Idaho Secretary of State Ben Ysursa has gone to court asking one Idaho organization to abide by the state's Sunshine law and reveal its list of donors, according to an Associated Press story in the Idaho Statesman. The group, Education Voters of Idaho (EVI), says it is a federally recognized tax exempt organization so it is under no obligation to release its donor list.

While Ysursa has gone to court trying to force disclosure by EVI, he says he has also asked the Idaho Education Association (IEA) and the National Education Association (NEA) for a donor list as well if donations to either of those groups exceed $50 and are directed at Propositions 1, 2 and 3.  An IEA spokeswoman said the education organizations are researching Idaho law to determine if they must reveal their donors.

EVI favors the education reform laws passed by the 2011 Idaho Legislature. The IEA  and NEA oppose them.

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