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Wounded Idaho veteran receives three ovations in the U.S. House (video)

Wounded Idaho veteran receives three ovations in the U.S. House (video)

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
July 28, 2010

An Idaho resident who lost both his legs and an arm earlier this year serving in Afghanistan received three standing ovations from the U.S. House of Representatives Monday.

Marine Lance Cpl. Randal Wright of Cottonwood entered the House floor as a guest of Idaho Rep. Walt Minnick during discussion of a resolution commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Wright was in Washington, D.C., to receive treatment at Walter Reed Hospital.

“Randal Wright is an extraordinary young man who has made a great sacrifice for our country,” Minnick said in a news release. “Though Randal has returned home with wounds from the battlefield, he is going to live his life to its fullest with his beautiful new bride and help lead our country into the future.”  Minnick called Wright on the phone Friday to congratulate him on his marriage to Vanessa Hylton.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., both welcomed Wright to the House floor.  Pelosi encouraged him and other wounded veterans, to run for office.

“We want them all to think about serving in Congress,” Pelosi said, “so this, Cpl. Randal Wright, is about you and your colleagues … We want to thank you for your patriotism, your courage, and your sacrifice for our country.”  Pelosi also congratulated Wright on his recent wedding, which drew a third ovation from the House.

Pelosi and Hoyer also recognized Rep. Jim Langevin, D-R.I., the first quadriplegic to serve in the U.S. House.

Watch highlights of Wright’s appearance before the House.

Read Minnick’s news release on Wright’s appearance at his website.

Idaho Freedom Foundation
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