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Wasden, others, say GOP will unite after primaries

Wasden, others, say GOP will unite after primaries

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
May 26, 2010

Several Idaho Republican Party candidates who were unopposed have accepted the party’s nomination for the November general election.

“I’ve been on pins and needles all night,” joked Secretary of State Ben Ysursa, who had no primary opponent, but faces Democrat Mack Sermon in the general election.  “The object of the game is to win in November,” Ysursa told Republicans gathered in Boise.

“Tonight is an exciting night for the Republican Party,” said Attorney General Lawrence Wasden, who faces no opposition.  He said that after the primary elections are over, Republicans will unite as one team for the general election.

Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna encouraged the Republican crowd to support him in November.  “The other party thinks they’re entitled to this seat,” he said.  Luna faces a challenge from Democrat Stan Olson, the superintendent of the Boise School District.

Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna

State Treasurer Ron Crane called the Republican event a room full of friends, and said that he thinks the Republican message will be successful in November.

Idaho GOP Chairman Norm Semanko said that Republicans need to gain more seats in the state Legislature, and that the party’s current control of 80 of the 105 seats in the Idaho House and Senate isn’t good enough.  The Republican Party has a unity rally scheduled for Wednesday on the steps of the state Capitol.

Idaho Freedom Foundation
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