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Top 5 reasons to support the Idaho Freedom Foundation

Top 5 reasons to support the Idaho Freedom Foundation

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
December 31, 2016

Because of people like you, the Idaho Freedom Foundation is able to advance freedom here in the Gem State. We also know you expect results.

IFF had a good year, which has built momentum for more success as we head into the 2017 legislative session. With that in mind, let me share our top five projects from 2016, accompanied by five reasons why we’re a good investment for your end-of-year giving.

5. IFF connected you to your state legislators

Have you tried out Testifi, our new mobile device app? If not, it’s pretty cool. Through Testifi, you can send video, audio or email messages straight to lawmakers of your choice. Now, you can hold government accountable from the palm of your hand. Visit TestifiApp.com to download this FREE app.

4. IFF exposed the Big Government politicians

Many in the State Capitol detest the Idaho Freedom Index, and for good reason. Our Index tells the truth if lawmakers vote for bigger government. A number of lawmakers who earned dismal grades -- including Reps. John Rusche, Merrill Beyeler and Paul Romrell -- were swept out of office thanks to the truth being told about their votes.

3. IFF protected your wallets

This past fall, three government entities in the Treasure Valley sought massive tax hikes for wasteful projects. We took action and used our journalism, policy shop, social media tools and media connections to tell the truth about the $300 million tax-hike plans. All three proposals failed to pass, and and individuals and families will be more secure and better able to take care of themselves.

2. IFF held off Medicaid expansion

For years, we’ve worked tirelessly to stop Obamacare expansion in Idaho. Our strategy worked, and with Donald Trump’s election, even the Idaho Statesman said Obamacare expansion won’t happen.

  1. IFF fought to end unnecessary suffering of our friends, neighbors and family members

Late this year, we released Hope Vetoed, our first-ever short film. The video outlines how Big Government hurts Josh Phillips, a inspiring young man from Salmon, Idaho. This has set the stage to give Josh and others like him access to CBD oil next year.

This has been a good year, and we expect bigger things in 2017. However, we need your help. Donate now below!

Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
COPYRIGHT © 2025 Idaho freedom Foundation
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