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Thousands of residents appeal to Little to reopen Idaho

Thousands of residents appeal to Little to reopen Idaho

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
April 14, 2020

On Tuesday, April 14, the Idaho Freedom Foundation delivered to Gov. Brad Little a very simple message: Thousands of Idahoans want you to reopen the state’s economy, starting tomorrow. 

RELATED: How is the stay-home order affecting you, your family, and your paycheck? Share your story here.

Over the course of just a few days, more than 5,000 Idahoans banded together in support of a revised stay-at-home order that would allow socially responsible Idaho businesses to re-open their doors. They shared 514 personal stories of hardship, fear, and frustration caused by the shutdown.

These residents want the governor to change the bleak economic outlook for the state, save Idaho businesses, and let Idahoans once again provide for their families.

As Little takes his next steps in response to COVID-19 tomorrow, April 15, we hope he hears the cries of struggling Idahoans and strikes a balance between public safety and the right for Idahoans to earn a living. 

To view our revised stay-at-home order, click here.

Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
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