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The free market works worldwide … see it in action in January

The free market works worldwide … see it in action in January

Erik Makrush
December 12, 2013
December 12, 2013

A farmer in Chile, a North Korean refugee turned venture capitalist, businesswomen in Zambia and Slovakia … all are great examples of how the free market is working when given a chance. Their stories are coming to you in January at three Idaho public television stations. While we certainly don’t want to promote public television, these programs are worth watching.

Too many of us take for granted the benefits of a free market system. We don’t take the time to share it with those who need to understand it. This is a great opportunity to suggest that your local high school record and show the one-hour broadcast during a class. Young folks need to get the message that the free market works whenever and wherever it is given an opportunity.

The program is available in the following markets in Idaho. Click here for a complete guide to the markets around the country.

Boise, KAID, Channel 4, and Channel 4.3 on the 1 World Channel
Monday, 1/6, 5 p.m. MT
Monday, 1/6, 10 p.m. MT
Tuesday, 1/7, 6 a.m. MT
Tuesday, 1/7, 12 p.m. MT
Sunday, 1/12, 10 a.m. MT
Coeur d'Alene, KCDT Channel 26 and Channel 26.3 on the 1 World Channel
Monday, 1/6, 4 a.m. PT
Monday, 1/6, 9 p.m. PT
Tuesday, 1/7, 5 a.m. PT
Tuesday, 1/7, 11 a.m. PT
Sunday, 1/12, 9 a.m. PT
Pocatello, KISU Channel 10 and Channel 10.3 on the 1 World Channel
Monday, 1/6, 5 p.m. MT
Monday, 1/6, 10 p.m. MT
Tuesday, 1/7, 6 a.m. MT
Tuesday, 1/7, 12 p.m. MT
Sunday, 1/12, 10 a.m. MT
To learn more about the Free To Choose Network and this and other programs, visit http://www.freetochoose.net/broadcasts/economic_freedom/index.php

Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
COPYRIGHT © 2025 Idaho freedom Foundation
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