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Texting ban, with changes, passes committee (video)

Texting ban, with changes, passes committee (video)

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
February 25, 2010

The proposed texting while driving ban is headed to the full Senate with some slight changes.  After talking with law enforcement officials, Sen. John McGee, R-Caldwell, wants to change a few words in the proposed legislation that calls texting inattentive driving.  The ban on texting would now only apply to drivers in moving vehicles and exempt law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical workers on the job.  Offenders could still face a fine of up to $300.  McGee chairs the Senate Transportation Committee, which approved the amended texting ban Thursday.

IdahoReporter.com has video of the hearing featuring McGee and other speaking in favor of the texting ban.  McGee started his presentation describing the bill and amendments added Thursday.

McGee then finished his remarks.

McGee invited Sen. Les Bock, D-Boise, who introduced a similar ban on texting while driving and supports McGee's plan.

Several high school students, including Meridian High School sophomore Janelle de Weerd, also spoke in favor of the ban.

Mark Browning, a spokesman for the State Board of Education, spoke personally about why he supports the texting ban. He said he rides his bicycle and has had near-collisions with texting drivers. He also shared a story about his teenage son, who was rear-ended by a distracted driver.

Sen. John Goedde, R-Coeur d'Alene, presented the Senate Transportation Committee with a petition signed by school children supporting the ban.

McGee's texting ban now heads to the full Senate.

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