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Support the fight for freedom and liberty just by shopping!

Support the fight for freedom and liberty just by shopping!

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
January 22, 2015

Every day, we’re on the front lines of the battle for freedom, limited government and responsible spending of your tax dollars.

As we carry on, we continually need your support. Now, you can help us while you shop. And, best of all, this support won’t cost you an extra penny!

We’ve registered with Amazon Smile, a program offered by the online retail giant. Amazon Smile lets you shop on Amazon as you normally would, but the company donates a portion of your purchases to the nonprofit of your choice.

We’d ask you to choose the Idaho Freedom Foundation.

The process is incredibly easy. Simply visit Smile.Amazon.com, choose the Idaho Freedom Foundation as your nonprofit and shop away! At check-out, Amazon will confirm your nonprofit choice.

Did we mention it doesn’t cost you anything? Well, it doesn’t add an extra penny to your bill.

Every little bit helps wage this struggle against big-government believers. Thanks for your support and happy shopping!

Click here to visit Smile.Amazon.com and designate the Idaho Freedom Foundation as your nonprofit of choice!

Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
COPYRIGHT © 2024 Idaho freedom Foundation
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