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State may build new garage to ease parking problems

State may build new garage to ease parking problems

Mitch Coffman
March 1, 2012

Parking is a major topic of discussion in the 2012 Legislature and a couple of lawmakers want to ease the problem caused by the lack of it around the Capitol.

Rep. Scott Bedke, R-Oakley, introduced a bill Thursday that would allow the state to build a new parking garage using money saved through refinancing other government buildings. The legislation was introduced on a unanimous committee vote. It will receive a full hearing within a week or two.

Melissa Davlin of the Twin Falls Times-News reports that while the state employs 2,300 in the Capitol mall complex, there are only around 1,200 spaces for workers’ cars. That usually leads to vehicles lining the streets where free parking is available in the area, though it is scarce. Each legislative session only adds to the problem, as lawmakers vie for the state-owned spaces and press, lobbyists and Capitol visitors try to snag parking spaces.

The bill is sponsored by Bedke, House Transportation Committee Chairman Joe Palmer, R-Meridian, and Sen. Chuck Winder, R-Boise.

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