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Some senators opposed keeping Sen. McGee in leadership

Some senators opposed keeping Sen. McGee in leadership

Mitch Coffman
January 22, 2012

Last week senators voted to keep Sen. John McGee, R-Caldwell, in his leadership position as majority caucus chairman. But, there was opposition. At least nine of the 28 GOP senators voted to have McGee step down amid his conviction for DUI in the summer.

McGee also found himself immersed in some controversy for accepting a per diem allowance to compenstate him for travel between his home in Caldwell and the Capitol. However, McGee was spending many evenings at the home of his parents in Boise.

In a statement issued Friday, nine senators wished to clarify the circumstances surrounding the vote to keep McGee in his leadership position. The statement, in part, reads "Senator McGee is our friend and colleague. It is our desire that he successfully overcomes the challenges of last year's events. It is also our desire to uphold the integrity of the institution that we serve. We believe that the best way for both of these objectives to be achieved would have been for Sen. McGee to be removed from his leadership role."

For more information on this story from the Idaho Statesman, click here.

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