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Hundreds of Idahoans' Social Security numbers compromised by mailing glitch

Hundreds of Idahoans' Social Security numbers compromised by mailing glitch

Idaho Freedom Foundation staff
February 12, 2010

Hundreds of Idahoans who were unemployed in 2009 are being advised to use their free annual credit check after their Social Security Numbers were accidentally released to recipients of the 1099G tax form.

According to Bob Fick with the Idaho Department of Labor, the tax forms of 338 people were mishandled by Autosort, a bulk mailing contractor for the Department.  “Autosort’s machinery failed to detect (the forms) as it was stuffing the envelopes.  Instead of putting one 1099 in each envelope, there were a number of envelopes in which it put two or three. “

Fick said they know for certain that 10,000 of the 116,000 envelopes contained only one form, and the 338 missing forms are among the remaining 106,000 envelopes.  Autosort is paying for postcards to go to those 106,000 recipients, asking them to be on the lookout for the errant 1099 forms.

Of particular concern is that recipients' Social Security numbers are printed on the 1099G forms, meaning 338 Idahoans have had their SSNs compromised.  Fick said anyone who has not received their 1099G should contact the Department of Labor as soon as possible.  The Department is urging those people to take advantage of their annual free credit report, mandated by the federal Free Credit Reporting Act.  Information on how to get a free credit report is available through the Federal Trade Commission  website.

Idaho Freedom Foundation
802 W. Bannock Street, Suite 405, Boise, Idaho 83702
p 208.258.2280 | e [email protected]
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