Bill Description: Senate Bill 1322 would impose more burdensome regulations in the name of combatting the possibility of invasive species.
Rating: -1
Does it give government any new, additional, or expanded power to prohibit, restrict, or regulate activities in the free market? Conversely, does it eliminate or reduce government intervention in the market?
Senate Bill 1322 would amend Section 22-1904, Idaho Code, to expand the definition of "conveyance," as it relates to the possibility of invasive species, to include "retail or wholesale products, or water known to carry or have a reasonable possibility of carrying invasive species."
Senate Bill 1322 would create Section 22-1905A, Idaho Code, to require that "immediately upon removing a conveyance from any waters of this state or for transport of conveyances within the state, the operator shall remove all visible vegetation from the conveyance and drain all water from the conveyance, including but not limited to water in the hull, ballast tanks, bilges, live wells, and motors. All bilge and ballast plugs and other barriers that prevent water drainage from a conveyance shall be removed and remain open while a watercraft is transported by land within the state."
This section further requires that "before launching a conveyance in Idaho, a nonresident vessel owner shall purchase an invasive species sticker pursuant to section 67-7008A, Idaho Code. Further, nonresident conveyances shall be inspected at a watercraft inspection station prior to launch."
Senate Bill 1322 would amend Section 22-1911, Idaho Code, by adding a new subsection stating, "Up to twenty percent (20%) of the annual revenue deposited in the invasive species fund pursuant to section 67-7008A, Idaho Code, may be made available by the department to counties, cities, or other local entities for the cost of equipment and supplies necessary for the operation of watercraft inspection stations. Such funds shall be for equipment and supplies only and not for labor."
This bill expands the definitions of regulated conveyances, imposes more regulations, requires more inspections, collects more fees, and continues to grow government.