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Senate Bill 1235 — Repeal of Sections 33-3720 and 33-3721, Idaho Code

Senate Bill 1235 — Repeal of Sections 33-3720 and 33-3721, Idaho Code

Parrish Miller
January 20, 2020

Bill description: SB 1235 repeals Section 33-3720, Idaho Code, "Professional Studies Program" and Section 33-3721, Idaho Code, "Professional Studies Account."

Rating: +1

Does it create, expand, or enlarge any agency, board, program, function, or activity of government? Conversely, does it eliminate or curtail the size or scope of government?

SB 1235 repeals Section 33-3720, Idaho Code, "Professional Studies Program" and Section 33-3721, Idaho Code, "Professional Studies Account." This program was set up to provide special loans to individuals pursuing "professional studies" in certain areas of health care. While loans still get extended for this purpose under many other state and federal programs, this particular program has not been administered for years. 


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